How to

Do you want to screen AFTF films and watch other programs throughout our online festival?

Here's how to do it:


First, we recommend you register by LOGGING IN (link on the main page at the far right). First in order you will find the LOGIN (this is where already registered users log in) and right below that is the REGISTRATION for primary users: everyone who wants to watch our films must register/be registered here.

In the REGISTRATION TYPE box, please tick the type of registration you want to register:

1) Individual (i.e. for one person only)

2) Group (from 2 people up to an unlimited number of viewers; these are groups of viewers who are not

school - e.g. children's homes, clubs, after-school groups of children, etc.)

3) School (designed specifically for registration of elementary schools, middle schools, elementary schools and other schools)

Groups and schools enter 2 passwords: the main password must not be the same as the external password (the external password is entered to allow external users from outside the school or group to log in - e.g. pupils/club members from home, etc.) so that they can also watch the films individually. The difference in passwords is that those who will be logged in with an external password cannot manipulate the account in any way (change contact details, passwords etc.) and can only really be user viewers of the programmes. The representative of each school or group chooses both passwords and may (but does not have to) give only the external password to their pupils/students/members etc. so that they can also view the films outside the school/group. If you don't want your pupils/members/etc. to be able to view the films outside the school/group, obviously don't give them the external password (especially for younger children).

Estimated number of viewers

Please fill in the compulsory "Expected number of viewers" box with the expected number of viewers (this applies mainly to schools, children's homes, groups etc., but also to individuals) so that we know how many viewers we can expect for your school/children's home/group etc. We anticipate that the reality may be slightly different in the end. We will ask you to send us as accurate audience count as possible immediately after AFTF. We very much ask that you record the number of spectators. Since the system on the site will only show us the number of streams, the information regarding the viewership for your group is very important to us as we want to record the viewership as truthfully as possible. This is very important for the evaluation of the whole project and of course for the partners who support us. Thank you in advance for your understanding.

The next time you log in to the website, just log in with your registered email or login and password.


When you click on the main "Films" link, you will first be shown the names of the eight basic programme sections (in yellow boxes) and only after clicking on each of the eight basic sections (except for the "all categories" box) will you be shown about half an hour blocks of films that thematically belong to each section. Apart from two non-educational sections (#15 "On the soul:boundaries " and #30 "YCN Award Winners 2022"), all the other 28 sections are suitable for educational purposes, but you still have to take into account the recommended age of the audience.

Confirming the age of the audience

When you click on the title of each block, you must first confirm the age of the audience before you can unlock the individual block by clicking on the box marked "OPEN THE FILM BLOCK ONLINE STREAM" (you cannot unlock the film section without confirming the age). Please note that you are fully responsible for confirming the age of the audience. We recommend that you keep an eye out, especially for younger children. From the moment you confirm the age of the audience, we are not responsible for watching films that are not suitable for younger age groups.

Information about the films in each section

When the rectangle that says "OPEN THE FILM BLOCK ONLINE STREAM" appears, there is a static photo below the photo and a list of movies belonging to the section. Clicking on the title of a film will take you to a catalogue where you can read information about each film and its authors.

Screening of the movies

If you click directly on the rectangle "OPEN THE FILM BLOCK ONLINE STREAM" , you will be taken to the possibility of playing each movie. A static image of the AFTF opening theme will appear. Below that is a PLAYLIST of the individual films and programs (including the theme and spots) belonging to that block. You can either watch the films in the order they were arranged by the festival's programmers or you can choose to watch just one film - it is up to you which exact programme and order you choose.


Here is an alphabetical list of the titles of all the films. You can search for individual films by the initial letter of the film title or by number (the first 2 films start with a number). All the films are also placed on the screen in alphabetical order. A rectangle will appear with the film title and photo.

Clicking on the rectangle will take you to information about the film and its makers. When you click on the name of the Movie Section (it is highlighted with an underline), you will automatically be taken to the playback of films in which the movie is placed,


On the top right you can switch the language version of the whole website - CZ means Czech and EN means English. After clicking on each language version you will open the whole website in that language.

! ATTENTION: When you click on the sign "OPEN THE FILM BLOCK ONLINE STREAM" ", you must immediately select the language version of the subtitles under the name of the section, regardless of whether you are on the Czech or English version of the site. Please note that films with Czech, English, and UKRAINIAN subtitles can also be shown to Ukrainian children and teenagers.

For Ukrainian viewers:

Please prefer to work with the CZ (Czech) version of the website (or you can also use the English version) and you can set its automatic translation in Ukrainian in your browser if the automatic translation function is supported in it (e.g. Google Chrome).

In the Czech version, after you click on ""OPEN THE FILM BLOCK ONLINE STREAM" ", you will see the name of the movie section and right below it you can choose Ukrainian subtitles by clicking on UA.


Once you have registered and watched even one film, you can take part in the audience vote, which is directly linked to your registration.

You can rate the films individually as follows:

After clicking on "registered" (in the main bar on the far right) you will see the RATE THE MOVIES link in the menu - click on it. You can rate all the films or just one selected one - it's up to you! After clicking on "Your rating", choose one of the following options: excellent/very good/good/worse/poor. Since you will often be voting in a group, fill in the number of people voting for your group in the "Number of viewers voting" box. Based on the number you enter, your rating will be multiplied. Finally, click "Submit" in the yellow box. Once you have submitted your votes for a particular film, you will no longer be able to vote for that film as part of your registration (the system will not let you in), but you will of course be able to vote for other films in the same way.

Your vote can significantly influence the winner of the Audience Award!


Detailed information about the AFTF side programmes can be found in the OTHER PROGRAMME section.

Q&A with authors (= online interviews with Czech and foreign authors) will be held live online during the festival weekends and their exact schedule can be found in the "Q&A with authors" column. They will be simultaneously interpreted into Czech (Q&A with foreign authors) or English (Q&A with Czech authors) as needed. No later than 48 hours after the event, the recordings (including the translated version into the second language) will be posted on the website, where they will remain after the festival. During the Q&A period, it will be possible to ask questions to the authors in the chat room integrated on the website, which will be asked by the moderators. We will also screen the Q&A via Instagram and YouTube so feel free to join us also there!

All accompanying programs (live and recorded) are FREE to view and do not require registration to access.

In other parts of the site you can read about cinema screenings for schools and the public, the composition of the jury, the team, etc.

If you have any questions about the operation of the site and any other irregularities, please contact us immediately by email: or call us on the numbers listed in the contact.