Who we are

The main organizers are the non-profit organization Adonai for People p.s.c. and Sunfilms Ltd.

The public service company Adonai for People was established at the end of 2013. Since 2018, it has focused on working with children and young people from various groups and classes of society through the audiovisual production. Its main goal is to foster the still developing film and media education of the current youngest generation in an international extent. Cooperation with socially handicapped and discriminated youth and connecting the youngest generation with the oldest are important to the main goals of the company. It organizes various film workshops as part of the Filmteens.cz activity and screenings for children and young people as well as for seniors. It carries out all its activities in accordance with Christian values. The most important projects of this organization are „Windows to the World“ - film workshops for children from Czech children's homes and the international online festival A-FilmTeensFest.

 Adonai for people

The limited company Sunfilms Ltd. was founded in 2001. Its activities followed Sunfilm Ltd. (founded in 1998), which distributed in the Czech and Slovak Republics art and independent fiction films from all over the world (some of them were awarded by Oscars or other international prizes, such as Cider House Rules, Character, Run Lola Run, Central Station, Little Voice, The Straight Story, Antonia´s Line, etc.). Sunfilms was the producer and distributor of the documentary series "Lost Neighbours - Teen Cameras Search for Traces of Jewish Fellow-Citizens“ (children aged 12 to 15 from various parts of Czechia shot videos with Holocaust witnesses and survivors under the supervision of professionals); documentary "Kids from Hartmanice" was co-produced with the Dutch tv station NIK MEDIA and won several awards ("Golden Kingfisher" at „Pilsen Finals“ festival for the best documentary till 30 min., "Award of the City České Budějovice" at Ekofilm etc.). An important project was also a series of 12 documentary films "Children of Stalinism", made by FAMU students and co-produced with Czech TV (four documentaries were awarded in the USA at WORLDFEST in Houston and at the New York International Independent Film & Video Festival).


The co-organizer is the non-profit organization Docs, Youth & Society, r.s. (registered society, founded in 2006). It produced and distributed "Daughters of Enemy" - audiovisual testimonies of 35 daughters of political prisoners of the 1950s in former Czechoslovakia (made under the auspices of President Vaclav Havel, shot by FAMU students, awarded by "Golden Star" of the European Commission and distributed to more than 3,000 schools throughout the Czech Republic and to various organizations in EU countries). Other projects were: "Offspring of the Others" (testimonies of the descendants of Jewish communist in 1950s), "History of Christianity", "Star of David" (lectures and audiovisual workshops in schools on themes of Holocaust and present life of the Jews), Summer Cinema Camp etc.


The director of the festival is Zuzana Dražilová. She graduated from the Department of Production at FAMU, the Film Faculty of the Academy of Performing Arts in Prague (Master degree), Acting at the Jaroslav Ježek Conservatory, semester studies of "Peace and Conflict Resolutions" at The American University in Washington D.C. and producer´s workshops Eurodoc, ESoDoc and ExOriente. During her studies she worked for the Dutch non-profit organization HEART OF EUROPE (organized tours of various Czech and Dutch artists), was a production manager of independent film group Bulšitfilm (collaborating with director Jan Švankmajer), produced for ex. the film NIGHT TRAM (directed by John Andrews, nominated for Student Oscar in 1995). She was the coordinator of the PRAGUE INDIES independent film festival and associate producer of Vojtěch Jasný's feature film RETURN OF PARADISE LOST. In 1998, she founded, owned and directed the distribution company Sunfilm Ltd. She is the founder, owner and CEO of the above mentioned three organizations and has produced and distributed their projects. She worked as a teacher at the secondary art school MICHAEL and FAMU.

 Zuzana Dražilová