A-FilmTeens Screenings For School Go International

A-FilmTeens Screenings For School Go International

A-FilmTeens Screenings For Schools Go International: Czech Youth Films Shine in Slovenia!

A-FilmTeens has always been about connecting young filmmakers with their peers and broader audiences, and this year, we’re thrilled to announce a major milestone! While we regularly organize screenings for schools across Czechia, our films have now ventured beyond borders, reaching new audiences in Slovenia.

In collaboration with the ENIMATION festival (https://www.facebook.com/enimation.eu) and Gymnasium Ptuj in Ptuj near Maribor, we recently showcased 11 incredible films by talented Czech filmmakers. These films, covering a wide range of genres and themes, represent the creativity and vision of young artists who dare to tell their stories.

The Featured Films

Here are the works that captivated Slovenian audiences:

  1. Wandering with the Likesroaming Family (Toulky s rodinou Rádsetoulavou) – 3:51, 2021, by Marie Klowersová (19)
  2. Smoking Is a Bad Habit (Kouření je hnusný zvyk) – 1:45, 2021, by Ondřej Brýna (18)
  3. Collective (Kolektiv) – 7:34, 2021, by Stela Konečná (19)
  4. Good Morning, Vera! (Dobré ráno, Věro!) – 5:18, 2022, by Matouš Kaleta (19)
  5. Walking Through a Hundred-Year-Old Paradise Garden of Bobbin and Needle Lace – 2:55, 2019, by Marko Horáček (19)
  6. Bully (Zvládání vzteku) – 2:06, 2022, by Ondřej Brýna (18)
  7. Ragworld (Hadrosvět) – 3:28, 2019, by Marko Horáček (19)
  8. Revolution (Revoluce) – 18:00, 2021, by Antonín Korb (17)
  9. Waiting Room (Čekárna) – 2:40, 2022, by Andrea Kawuloková (18)
  10. It Was Really Great (Bylo to moc fajn) – 2:30, 2023, by Martina Inostroza (12)
  11. Our Dreams (Naše sny) from Children´s Home in Duchcov

Connecting Through Film

We believe in the power of film to bridge cultures, foster understanding, and celebrate creativity. Seeing these films appreciated by Slovenian students is a testament to the universality of young voices and the shared emotions they portray.

The importance of these international exchanges cannot be overstated. It’s a chance for young filmmakers to see their work resonate beyond their homeland, and it offers audiences an authentic glimpse into the lives and imaginations of Czech youth.

A Big Thanks to ENIMATION Festival

Our gratitude also extends to the ENIMATION festival, which showcased these films as well as three movies from Ostrava high school in its Take Care category. With an impressive audience of 177 spectators, these films touched hearts and inspired conversations. This collaboration underscores the strength of partnerships between like-minded organizations striving to uplift emerging talent.

Submit Your Film to A-FilmTeensFest!

Dreaming of seeing your work showcased internationally? Submissions for A-FilmTeens Festival 2025 are open! Who knows? Next time, it could be your film traveling across borders and captivating audiences worldwide.

Submit your film via FilmFreeway using the free code: AFTF2025. We can’t wait to see what stories you have to share.

Let’s continue to celebrate young filmmakers and the connections they create—because their voices are shaping the future of cinema!

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