One more spectacular news from Denmark! Marie Klowersová and her captivating animated short Wandering with the Likesroaming Family has just won a prize in the Danish festival TheNextFilmFestival (TNFF). Her original approach to an ordinary life of and ordinary family impressed the jury and now we can celebrate this great success with her! Huge congratulations to you Marie, carry on like this!!!
TNFF (more on their website is a festival of movies made by youngsters and it offers the best from the best from young filmmakers around the world. TheNextFilmFestival International is both a film competition and a talentcamp for talented young filmmakers. We are very proud to have sent to this talentcamp our two amazing Czech talents Marie Klowersová and Antonín Korb (whose movie Revolution recently won in a main competition in South Korea!). The two (alongside other international students) filmmakers were teamed up with 20 selected young Danish filmtalents for a couple of days of workshops, masterclasses and networking. We cannot imagine a better way how to learn the filmmaking craft and also how to make new connections outside the Czech Republic. We are thus extremely grateful for the TheNextFilmFestival to give the amazing opportunity to these young talents!
And for Marie and Tonda: Keep up the good work!