We couldn't have planned better. Just a few hours after the Oscar Academy Awards were announced, we have an announcement as well. So who won the prizes in our festival?


CATEGORIES UNDER 10 YEARS ACROSS GENRES (12 films in competition)

Jurors: Antonie Formanová, Tomáš Hanák

Best Film of the Category:

Teddy, tell us a story – Czech republic

Members of the ANIDĚTI group of children based in Prague

Honourable mentions in the category:

Hoover - Estonia

Children from the CREATIVE SPACE group in Tallinn

Magic school - Italy

A group of children led by Rafaella Traniello from Corti di Ponte in Padua

Mega mega mega mega party – Belgium

CAMERA-ETC. workshop participants from Liége

FEATURE FILMS (39 films in competition)

Jurors: Antonie Formanová, Tomáš Hanák

11 - 14 years

Honorable mention:

Big Two – Czech republic

Directed by Helena Gabriela Ondráčková, Ema Janečková, Karolína Buťáková, Julie Ramšáková (ZUŠ Mikulov)

15 - 17 years

Award for 1stplace in the category:

Beth – Great Britain

Directed by Ava Bounds

Award for 2nd place in the category:

Death by Handshake - USA

Directed by Hudson Flynn

Honorable mention:

Escape from the Children´s Home – Czech republic

directed by teenagers from the Kašperské Hory Children's Home (under the direction of Barbara Chalupová and Maria Magdalena Kochová)

18 - 20 years

Award for 1stplace in the category:

Distance and Longing - Denmark

Directed by Mikkel Warren

Award for 2ndplace in the category:

Light Carousel- Austria

Directed by Alex Lazarov

Award for 3rdplace in the category:

Valera - Ukraine

Directed by Olga Artushevska

Honorable mention:

Bon Voyage – Czech republic

Directed by Mariam Mansuryan

DOCUMENTARIES (23 films in competition)

Jurors: Alena Müllerová, František Svěrák

11 - 14 years

Best Film of the Category:

Viktoria – Czech republic

Members of the group ANIDĚTI from Prague

15 - 17 years

Best Film of the Category:

The Rock Pool Waltz - Australia

Directed by Marlon Denning

Honorable mention:

Our Dreams- Czech republic

directed by: teenagers from the Duchcov Children's Home under the direction of Veronika Korčáková and Karel Čtveráček

18 - 20 years

Best Film of the Category:

Paint and Pain- Iran

Directed by Mohammad Sajad Aghajani

Honorable mention:

Dad, the poet of life – Czech republic

Directed by Antonín Korb

ANIMATED MOVIES (49 films in competition)

Jurors: Diana Cam Van Nguyen, Martin Stýblo

11 - 14 years

Best Film of the Category:

Nameless Island - Belgium

Children from the CAMERA-ETC. workshop in Liége

Honorable mention:

Mosquito Fish - USA

Directed by Bryn Wright

15 - 17 years

Best Film of the Category:

System Error – Poland

Directed by Piotr Kaźmierczak

Honorable mention:

The Oubliette - Ireland

Directed by Max Hendrickson

18 - 20 years

Best Film of the Category:

Walking at Knight - USA

Directed by Faye Thomas

Honorable mention:

Good Night – South Korea

Directed by Jung-seo Lee, Seo-bin Lee, Ji-yeon Yoon

EXPERIMENTAL MOVIES (20 films in competition)

Jurors: František Svěrák, Jakub Šmíd

11 - 14 years

Best Film of the Category:

Dada poetry – Czech republic

Twenty-one pupils from ZUŠ Ledeč and Sázavou

15 - 17 years

Best Film of the Category:

A Complete Man – Greece

Directed by Antonis Goumas

18 - 20 let

Best Film of the Category:

Caterpillar Kisses - USA

Directed by Ella Fields

OTHERS (18 films in competition)

Jurors: Diana Cam Van Nguyen, Martin Stýblo

11 - 14 years

Best Film of the Category:

Spring – Czech republic

Seventeen pupils from ZUŠ Ledeč and Sázavou

Honorable mention:

The Journey of the Book - Spain

Directed by Carlos Tafur

15 - 17 years

Best Film of the Category:

Liam Butler And His Friends: New Kid On The Block- USA

Directed by Liam Butler

Honorable mention:

World Views in One Song- Germany

Directed by Ole Kjartan Schreier

18 - 20 years

Best Film of the Category:

Smoking is a bad habit – Czech republic

Directed by Ondřej Brýna

Honorable mention:

Your Latest Crush - Flower Lover- Ukraine

Directed by Dmitriy Guk


Prize of the younger children jury (9-13 years): Teddy, tell us a story (members of the group ANIDĚTI, Czech Republic)

Senior Children's Jury Prize (14-18 years): Over the Moon (directed by Ella Fields, USA)

Best Foreign Film: Fishing, directed by Andreas Duerr (Germany)

Best Czech Out-of-School Film: Robots (directed by Ondřej Brýna)

Best Czech School Film: Good Morning, Vera (directed by Matouš Kaleta, student of the Secondary School of Art in Ostrava)

Best sustainability-themed film: Ragworld + Walking Through a Hundred Year old Paradise Garden of Bobbin Lace and Needle Lace (directed by Marko Horáček, Czech republic)

Audience Award: Pyromeownicat (directed by Klara Ljung, Sweden)

VOJTĚCH JASNÝ'S AWARD for long-term systematic contribution in the field of audiovisual education of Czech children: Jean G. Deburau and many other films on the YT channel of the Primary School Kolín V.)

BEN BARENHOLTZ AWARD for outstanding and unconventional enrichment of international animation with children and young people: Creative Space Studio, Estonia.

(Mermaid, Farm by Aleksander Krims and Landscape with church by Konrad Mägi, Cowboys and Astronauts, The Hoover, Winter Fairy Tale, Suur Tõll)

Congratulations to the creators of all these works!

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