Introducing the filmmakers - Piotr Kazmierczak
Many filmmakers are far away. But 16-year-old Piotr Kazmierczak is from our neighbors.
Piotr learns painting, draws comics and satirical drawings, creates simple games in Blender. From 2015 on animation became his main passion. He keeps on creating films with usage of the techniques of puppet-animation, painting, cut-out, plasticine and computer animation.
He is a laureate of many competitions for children and youth animation in Poland and abroad.
And what movies of his can you enjoy?
First one is The Moments. Empty beaches, serenity, the sounds of waves and being in touch with nature. Using the technique of dry pastels, the animated poetic etude meditates on the images of the elements and captures a time of contemplation and silence.
The second film is not so poetic. It is System Error. A standardized society in a standardized world - in one rhythm, working like clockwork. Inconsistency equals a system error - that must be removed, disposed of among the waste. A short animated film about when the system bugs start working.